Marielena Obrenic Founder of Family Constellation Center of Orlando has been certified directly by Bert Helinger in 2004 after completing 4 courses and supervised for 2 years.
Family Constellations the base of my Quantum leap to S.E.S. are an effective way to transform what is holding you back so that you can live your life from your greatest potential. They uncover and dissolve the blockages affecting your relationships, finances, profession and health so you are free to live the fulfilling life you were really meant to live.
Family Constellations the base of my Quantum leap to S.E.S. are an effective way to transform what is holding you back so that you can live your life from your greatest potential. They uncover and dissolve the blockages affecting your relationships, finances, profession and health so you are free to live the fulfilling life you were really meant to live.
Systemic Engineering of the Spirit
Systemic Engineering of the Spirit
The spirit is only heard in silence, and what we really are, we are not in this body.
And through the work of silence we can hear silence, emptiness, absolute 0, and it is in this state that we manage to hear our true mission and peace that we seek so much.
In mathematics everything is built on 1 and 0, the binary. The infinite is everything is a mystery could be the mystery of silence and the voice of our origin as spirit.
The voice of silence as a metaphor has an advantage, because, because it is a vibration, it vibrates, the emptiness vibrates. During the year 1964, the physicist Peter Higgs received in 2013 the Nobel Prize for this discovery.
The human being to reach this emptiness seems to have two paths, meditating or pain, when the ego collapses and gives entrance to the information of the emptiness, of the creator of nothing, what the ancient yogis called OM.
In a state of absolute peace and a state of transcendence, what is heard is something similar to Om, which they say is the sound of emptiness.
Speaking with this silence is that it inspires me to listen to the source speaking to me because humanity is so collapsed and collectively tormented. By the absence of connection with silence. What a simple answer, if the human knew how easy it is to connect, he would stop suffering on earth, because there is no dialogue with the ego.
called ego, the accumulation of learning in beliefs that DO NOT BELONG TO US. It does not allow us to advance, and the most alarming thing is that this learning can be unlearned with a simple method that calls it Engineering of the spirit, why that name? What is Engineering in our Spirit? What is spirit? In more detail I will explain later, we will continue talking with silence.
That OM - the voice of silence - we can call it the divine spark is a primal and pure vibration. We colloquially call it spirit, it is one, the spirit cannot be divided, it is cute, the Greeks said it means the indivisible, the spirit is one, it cannot be divided, it is one.
Christian tradition calls it the Holy Spirit. The spirit that is in each one being ONE. In other words, that spirit cannot be divided.
It is like air, when we breathe that air is yours, but in a room it belongs to everyone. But it is a single air. It is our true being, we are ONE. Being in each one, that voice of silence or the vibration of emptiness. Our Authentic Being. That voice of silence or this vibration does not stop there, it generates a dynamic or a movement and the ancients called it the verb, called the action, existence, movement, achievement, condition of action, which is found in all traditions. spiritual.
in Christianity it says "in the beginning was the verb, and God was the verb, became flesh and dwelt among us."
That vibration is in each one of us, when in the void the verb gets going, that is to say when a room is empty and a single person says OM, it is created in an echo, it has been created by a person but it is bouncing off each wall, and that dynamic of reverberation in a room and that verb begins to speak to you, the verb was God and became God.
In parallel, this echo is heard in silence and we managed to hear them all, some call it mediumship, we are all mediums, from the point of view of physics due to the vibrational frequency of the movement of the VOID. the vibrational frequency loses strength and becomes density, the less vibrational frequency the denser it is, the lower the vibrational frequency, the more dimension.
More subtle at greater frequency, that is to say, more dense, for that reason the reverberation loses strength.
Science investigated it as the lower the vibrational frequency, the greater the dimension.
What are the dimensions?
In simple terms, vibrational strips are differentiated to less vibration and dimension.
The first is the densest. We are in the third dimension according to physicists.
Matter arises from the Densification of the initial frequency. The greater the dimension, the more subtle is the spirit, and it is the field where we can contact each other in silence, emptiness. And from that field we managed to find the truth of so many doubts that we have today in each area or field of study.
There is denser and less dense matter, more subtle or less subtle, and the physicists after years of agreeing called dark matter: Matter that is more subtle, is more subtle than matter and they call it dark energy. 80 percent of dark energy which is very subtle matter.
the matter we know here is only 5%.
And through the work of silence we can hear silence, emptiness, absolute 0, and it is in this state that we manage to hear our true mission and peace that we seek so much.
In mathematics everything is built on 1 and 0, the binary. The infinite is everything is a mystery could be the mystery of silence and the voice of our origin as spirit.
The voice of silence as a metaphor has an advantage, because, because it is a vibration, it vibrates, the emptiness vibrates. During the year 1964, the physicist Peter Higgs received in 2013 the Nobel Prize for this discovery.
The human being to reach this emptiness seems to have two paths, meditating or pain, when the ego collapses and gives entrance to the information of the emptiness, of the creator of nothing, what the ancient yogis called OM.
In a state of absolute peace and a state of transcendence, what is heard is something similar to Om, which they say is the sound of emptiness.
Speaking with this silence is that it inspires me to listen to the source speaking to me because humanity is so collapsed and collectively tormented. By the absence of connection with silence. What a simple answer, if the human knew how easy it is to connect, he would stop suffering on earth, because there is no dialogue with the ego.
called ego, the accumulation of learning in beliefs that DO NOT BELONG TO US. It does not allow us to advance, and the most alarming thing is that this learning can be unlearned with a simple method that calls it Engineering of the spirit, why that name? What is Engineering in our Spirit? What is spirit? In more detail I will explain later, we will continue talking with silence.
That OM - the voice of silence - we can call it the divine spark is a primal and pure vibration. We colloquially call it spirit, it is one, the spirit cannot be divided, it is cute, the Greeks said it means the indivisible, the spirit is one, it cannot be divided, it is one.
Christian tradition calls it the Holy Spirit. The spirit that is in each one being ONE. In other words, that spirit cannot be divided.
It is like air, when we breathe that air is yours, but in a room it belongs to everyone. But it is a single air. It is our true being, we are ONE. Being in each one, that voice of silence or the vibration of emptiness. Our Authentic Being. That voice of silence or this vibration does not stop there, it generates a dynamic or a movement and the ancients called it the verb, called the action, existence, movement, achievement, condition of action, which is found in all traditions. spiritual.
in Christianity it says "in the beginning was the verb, and God was the verb, became flesh and dwelt among us."
That vibration is in each one of us, when in the void the verb gets going, that is to say when a room is empty and a single person says OM, it is created in an echo, it has been created by a person but it is bouncing off each wall, and that dynamic of reverberation in a room and that verb begins to speak to you, the verb was God and became God.
In parallel, this echo is heard in silence and we managed to hear them all, some call it mediumship, we are all mediums, from the point of view of physics due to the vibrational frequency of the movement of the VOID. the vibrational frequency loses strength and becomes density, the less vibrational frequency the denser it is, the lower the vibrational frequency, the more dimension.
More subtle at greater frequency, that is to say, more dense, for that reason the reverberation loses strength.
Science investigated it as the lower the vibrational frequency, the greater the dimension.
What are the dimensions?
In simple terms, vibrational strips are differentiated to less vibration and dimension.
The first is the densest. We are in the third dimension according to physicists.
Matter arises from the Densification of the initial frequency. The greater the dimension, the more subtle is the spirit, and it is the field where we can contact each other in silence, emptiness. And from that field we managed to find the truth of so many doubts that we have today in each area or field of study.
There is denser and less dense matter, more subtle or less subtle, and the physicists after years of agreeing called dark matter: Matter that is more subtle, is more subtle than matter and they call it dark energy. 80 percent of dark energy which is very subtle matter.
the matter we know here is only 5%.
During the last 25 years - I could say that throughout my life -, throughout all my years of experience, in the practice of consultation, through astrology and psychic astrology, mental health area, clinical psychology, neuroscience. I have come to make several inferences important about human suffering, and the need that all human beings have to free ourselves from suffering. When I was applying psycho astrology to help people bring everything that was in the unconscious to the conscious and not make it part of their destiny - the textual words of the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung - I began to realize that I needed something more.
In 2000, and also in 2001, I researched a technique that a very dear friend mentioned to me: family constellations. Then, in 2003, I had the opportunity to be trained in a conference with the creator, the German psychologist Bert Hellinger. The aforementioned technique establishes as its principles and philosophy, that all human suffering and all the blockages and deficiencies that human beings may have, are based on the behavior of our parents, grandparents, ancestors, and, determined by three or four simple laws .
The first is the Law of Belonging; we all have the right to belong to a system, that is, to a family system, to a father, to a mother, and to what we call ancestors or ancestors and successive children.
The Law of Order, the second law, tells us that we cannot go beyond the order in which we are developing, for example, a family tree; Before dad and mom came there were our grandparents, mom's parents and dad's parents, and so on; Great-grandparents, great-grandparents, are on the family tree. And that order could not be broken, that is, if a child felt like the father or mother of his father or mother, it would have the consequences of this in terms of mental illness, health problems, relationship problems, economic problems and innumerable blockages, which the person had stored or saved as an information chip in his unconscious, both individually and collectively.
Working with the technique family constellation, and graduated in the area of clinical psychology at Webster University, where I did the Master, I realized that I could apply this technique by doing my internships in a psychiatric internship, with each and every one of the patients who could observe, who could treat and also keep a record of notes. This is how I observed that the first two laws were very easy to apply, seeing how the client was changing their behavior and, above all, that they achieved more peace and stability in their minds, emotions, and even physical healings from chronic diseases. . Realizing that, by not having the mother in his heart, or in the integrated system, in his unconscious and then in the conscious (carrying that order), thus the patient healed of mental and emotional illnesses, economic problems and many blocks in his life.
My surprise was immense, through my internship, in the psychiatric hospital where I developed my practices in Orlando, Florida. It was very rewarding to have the opportunity to apply it with different parents, families, and children. And see how the cases evolved and closed much faster than on other occasions with my clients, including colleagues; the patient had been coming to the consultation for years and could not close the problem; it did not heal at its deepest root; that is, the person was always questioning: What about me? Why am I not improving?
Of course, the pharmaceutical industry was doing juicy business with these cases; the demand for drugs and psychotropic drugs was growing exponentially: antidepressants, anxiolytics, antipsychotics.
At that stage, throughout my training, I gradually realized that I had to do this in my private practice. When I started my private sessions, these practices allowed me to see each case more freely. I was impressed to observe, statistically, through the family constellations, both in groups and in individual sessions, important changes in people who closed their process, some faster and others a little slower. In other words, the spirit, the soul of each person, had its movements at different times; that they are not the linear times that are handled in all of us. Time was totally relative; as established by the concept of Quantum Physics: "Branch of science that studies the characteristics, behaviors and interactions of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels."
The quantum, from Latin, is the smallest quantity of any physical entity. Term taken from the theory elaborated by the German physicist Max Planck (1858-1947), and refers to the least amount of energy concentrated in a particle, such as the photon. A photon is a quantum of light. Quantum theory was reinforced by physicist Albert Einstein when explaining the photoelectric effect (for which he won the Nobel Prize), however, it was not until the year 1920 when it could be determined that the science that would study these particles would be called quantum mechanics . In general, they mean the same thing, even though they differ in theoretical terms. Quantum mechanics is the correct way to call them, it is the science that studies elements and characteristics of quantums.
From that moment, I begin to observe time as part of Relativity, a term that comes from "relative to", indicating that there is no absolute reference point, that is, everything is explained taking into account the relationship we have with another reference. For example, the relativity of values, cultures, time, perception. In other words, I take time and the perception of the mind as fundamental pillars for the technique that I later developed in my studies.
Based on the relativity of time, time does not exist, time is unreal, it is an illusion; With this premise, I began to make my own reasoning: It means that what happened hundreds of years ago with your ancestors, you are allowing today and now; the problems, sufferings, blockages, that the ancestors lived in your family, culture, country and the planet, happened years or centuries ago; with your relative perception, you allow it to be happening today and now.
I started digging deeper into quantum physics, and the person who allowed me to be most clear about it was Dr. Bruce Lipton. By researching the biology of DNA, explained in great detail in his book, The Biology of Belief (Unleashing the Power of Consciousness), I was able to understand much better, and say, "Okay, if the biology of our belief system, (as well mentioned by Dr. Bruce Lipton in his book), establishes that cells are in continuous development, and that DNA is enveloped by a membrane - a membrane they called epigenetics -, this means that genes were not completely determining the behavior of the human being, realizing in his laboratory that epigenetics, called stimuli, education, trauma, positive stimuli, positive or negative thinking, affected the gene. ”
When he had the opportunity to demonstrate this scientifically under his microscope (the explanation in his book is very well detailed), he concluded that the perception we have is biologically controlled, that is, they are biologically controlled expressions, and that perception that we have had from mom, from dad, comes from what we lived the first seven years of life, where the human brain is in the state of theta, electromagnetic waves of the brain in a state of hypnosis. Dr. Lipton also carried out studies through electroencephalograms to see what the process was like when it was carried out in theta state, very shortly before falling asleep, and in people immersed in deep meditations, determining that it is in that state that one could actually record or to record the programming that was in our unconscious; since it was the same state of the electromagnetic waves of the brain present during the first seven years of life, in children between 0 to 7 years; This means that we are a sponge of the family system, copying, observing and feeling everything that is happening with dad, mom, brothers and in all the experiences that surround us the first seven years of life.
Dr. Lipton talks about how we are absorbing programs from our parents' unconscious; In addition, by genetic law so are grandparents, uncles, ancestors and all those who are involved in the family system, as excluded or unseen characters, and also the fate of those people, such as murders, suicides, rapes, unwanted children , abortions, lovers (relationships outside of marriage), among others, situations that we have kept very secretly in the unconscious; that is, all these programs were being filed in the unconscious for the first seven years of life. When Dr. Lipton concluded that these cells grew when they were oriented more towards love, that is, when he could verify with the microscope that the cells began to react to direct stimuli in the gene's membrane. By emitting electromagnetic frequencies on this cell membrane that covers the gene, and it changes, or its structure regenerates, it means that the philosophy behind the Family Constellations created by the German psychologist Bert Hellinger, was being scientifically proven for the first time in the history.
The gene changes its molecular structure through love, forgiveness, compassion; seen and checked under the microscope in the laboratory. It could also be verified that if fear energy is emitted, the gene stops, or the membrane that covers it contracts, therefore the ends of the chromosome, or telomeres, that is to say that all the growth of our human consciousness was determined between these two energies: love and fear.
As many know, great spiritual teachers have written over the centuries that the opposite of love is fear, not hate. That is to say, that all those programs recorded through fear by our parents, in our adult life we were going to repeat (DESTINATION), proving that all these programs recorded in the first years of human life were biologically in 95% of our totally unconscious behavior, and only 5% in the conscious. This indicates that our behavior is directed, solely and exclusively, on our relative perception (Quantum Physics); the way you perceive, this will be your behavior in adult life. For example, if the parents of a girl had problems in the relationship, or she had to grow up in a toxic environment, with a abusive, violent, alcoholic father; when she grows up, she will unconsciously attract a man with characteristics similar to his father, repeating the story of his parents' suffering, condemned to unhappiness or failure in love, by resonance emitted in the energy of their genes. When I observed this in the family constellations, and confirmed it through the experiences that Dr. Bruce Lipton had, in his own life and in his first book, The Biologies of Beliefs, reaffirming in his book The Honeymoon effect -The effect of the honeymoon-, corroborate the theory that everything in the unconscious is reprogrammable. That is, we have an error of relative perception - the law of relativity in quantum physics - and if we can reprogram our destiny, we will no longer be victims of that destiny, of the genes or of the family system that we have.
In 2000, and also in 2001, I researched a technique that a very dear friend mentioned to me: family constellations. Then, in 2003, I had the opportunity to be trained in a conference with the creator, the German psychologist Bert Hellinger. The aforementioned technique establishes as its principles and philosophy, that all human suffering and all the blockages and deficiencies that human beings may have, are based on the behavior of our parents, grandparents, ancestors, and, determined by three or four simple laws .
The first is the Law of Belonging; we all have the right to belong to a system, that is, to a family system, to a father, to a mother, and to what we call ancestors or ancestors and successive children.
The Law of Order, the second law, tells us that we cannot go beyond the order in which we are developing, for example, a family tree; Before dad and mom came there were our grandparents, mom's parents and dad's parents, and so on; Great-grandparents, great-grandparents, are on the family tree. And that order could not be broken, that is, if a child felt like the father or mother of his father or mother, it would have the consequences of this in terms of mental illness, health problems, relationship problems, economic problems and innumerable blockages, which the person had stored or saved as an information chip in his unconscious, both individually and collectively.
Working with the technique family constellation, and graduated in the area of clinical psychology at Webster University, where I did the Master, I realized that I could apply this technique by doing my internships in a psychiatric internship, with each and every one of the patients who could observe, who could treat and also keep a record of notes. This is how I observed that the first two laws were very easy to apply, seeing how the client was changing their behavior and, above all, that they achieved more peace and stability in their minds, emotions, and even physical healings from chronic diseases. . Realizing that, by not having the mother in his heart, or in the integrated system, in his unconscious and then in the conscious (carrying that order), thus the patient healed of mental and emotional illnesses, economic problems and many blocks in his life.
My surprise was immense, through my internship, in the psychiatric hospital where I developed my practices in Orlando, Florida. It was very rewarding to have the opportunity to apply it with different parents, families, and children. And see how the cases evolved and closed much faster than on other occasions with my clients, including colleagues; the patient had been coming to the consultation for years and could not close the problem; it did not heal at its deepest root; that is, the person was always questioning: What about me? Why am I not improving?
Of course, the pharmaceutical industry was doing juicy business with these cases; the demand for drugs and psychotropic drugs was growing exponentially: antidepressants, anxiolytics, antipsychotics.
At that stage, throughout my training, I gradually realized that I had to do this in my private practice. When I started my private sessions, these practices allowed me to see each case more freely. I was impressed to observe, statistically, through the family constellations, both in groups and in individual sessions, important changes in people who closed their process, some faster and others a little slower. In other words, the spirit, the soul of each person, had its movements at different times; that they are not the linear times that are handled in all of us. Time was totally relative; as established by the concept of Quantum Physics: "Branch of science that studies the characteristics, behaviors and interactions of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels."
The quantum, from Latin, is the smallest quantity of any physical entity. Term taken from the theory elaborated by the German physicist Max Planck (1858-1947), and refers to the least amount of energy concentrated in a particle, such as the photon. A photon is a quantum of light. Quantum theory was reinforced by physicist Albert Einstein when explaining the photoelectric effect (for which he won the Nobel Prize), however, it was not until the year 1920 when it could be determined that the science that would study these particles would be called quantum mechanics . In general, they mean the same thing, even though they differ in theoretical terms. Quantum mechanics is the correct way to call them, it is the science that studies elements and characteristics of quantums.
From that moment, I begin to observe time as part of Relativity, a term that comes from "relative to", indicating that there is no absolute reference point, that is, everything is explained taking into account the relationship we have with another reference. For example, the relativity of values, cultures, time, perception. In other words, I take time and the perception of the mind as fundamental pillars for the technique that I later developed in my studies.
Based on the relativity of time, time does not exist, time is unreal, it is an illusion; With this premise, I began to make my own reasoning: It means that what happened hundreds of years ago with your ancestors, you are allowing today and now; the problems, sufferings, blockages, that the ancestors lived in your family, culture, country and the planet, happened years or centuries ago; with your relative perception, you allow it to be happening today and now.
I started digging deeper into quantum physics, and the person who allowed me to be most clear about it was Dr. Bruce Lipton. By researching the biology of DNA, explained in great detail in his book, The Biology of Belief (Unleashing the Power of Consciousness), I was able to understand much better, and say, "Okay, if the biology of our belief system, (as well mentioned by Dr. Bruce Lipton in his book), establishes that cells are in continuous development, and that DNA is enveloped by a membrane - a membrane they called epigenetics -, this means that genes were not completely determining the behavior of the human being, realizing in his laboratory that epigenetics, called stimuli, education, trauma, positive stimuli, positive or negative thinking, affected the gene. ”
When he had the opportunity to demonstrate this scientifically under his microscope (the explanation in his book is very well detailed), he concluded that the perception we have is biologically controlled, that is, they are biologically controlled expressions, and that perception that we have had from mom, from dad, comes from what we lived the first seven years of life, where the human brain is in the state of theta, electromagnetic waves of the brain in a state of hypnosis. Dr. Lipton also carried out studies through electroencephalograms to see what the process was like when it was carried out in theta state, very shortly before falling asleep, and in people immersed in deep meditations, determining that it is in that state that one could actually record or to record the programming that was in our unconscious; since it was the same state of the electromagnetic waves of the brain present during the first seven years of life, in children between 0 to 7 years; This means that we are a sponge of the family system, copying, observing and feeling everything that is happening with dad, mom, brothers and in all the experiences that surround us the first seven years of life.
Dr. Lipton talks about how we are absorbing programs from our parents' unconscious; In addition, by genetic law so are grandparents, uncles, ancestors and all those who are involved in the family system, as excluded or unseen characters, and also the fate of those people, such as murders, suicides, rapes, unwanted children , abortions, lovers (relationships outside of marriage), among others, situations that we have kept very secretly in the unconscious; that is, all these programs were being filed in the unconscious for the first seven years of life. When Dr. Lipton concluded that these cells grew when they were oriented more towards love, that is, when he could verify with the microscope that the cells began to react to direct stimuli in the gene's membrane. By emitting electromagnetic frequencies on this cell membrane that covers the gene, and it changes, or its structure regenerates, it means that the philosophy behind the Family Constellations created by the German psychologist Bert Hellinger, was being scientifically proven for the first time in the history.
The gene changes its molecular structure through love, forgiveness, compassion; seen and checked under the microscope in the laboratory. It could also be verified that if fear energy is emitted, the gene stops, or the membrane that covers it contracts, therefore the ends of the chromosome, or telomeres, that is to say that all the growth of our human consciousness was determined between these two energies: love and fear.
As many know, great spiritual teachers have written over the centuries that the opposite of love is fear, not hate. That is to say, that all those programs recorded through fear by our parents, in our adult life we were going to repeat (DESTINATION), proving that all these programs recorded in the first years of human life were biologically in 95% of our totally unconscious behavior, and only 5% in the conscious. This indicates that our behavior is directed, solely and exclusively, on our relative perception (Quantum Physics); the way you perceive, this will be your behavior in adult life. For example, if the parents of a girl had problems in the relationship, or she had to grow up in a toxic environment, with a abusive, violent, alcoholic father; when she grows up, she will unconsciously attract a man with characteristics similar to his father, repeating the story of his parents' suffering, condemned to unhappiness or failure in love, by resonance emitted in the energy of their genes. When I observed this in the family constellations, and confirmed it through the experiences that Dr. Bruce Lipton had, in his own life and in his first book, The Biologies of Beliefs, reaffirming in his book The Honeymoon effect -The effect of the honeymoon-, corroborate the theory that everything in the unconscious is reprogrammable. That is, we have an error of relative perception - the law of relativity in quantum physics - and if we can reprogram our destiny, we will no longer be victims of that destiny, of the genes or of the family system that we have.
The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung said: "everything from the unconscious that you bring to the conscious you no longer make it your destiny.", Which would be confirmed by science, more than 100 years later. This means that if we can visualize that we are repeating the behavior of our parents, or of any other member of the family system, we do not have to suffer repeating experiences similar to those that they lived in their relationship as a couple; we will be more alert, so as not to attract the same destiny that said ancestors lived as a couple; so as not to attract a partner who makes us live the experience of our parents, so as not to repeat their destiny. Because the unconscious is completely loyal to the family system, the unconscious only feels comfortable and secure when it repeats the patterns of the family: of mom, dad, brothers and grandparents. This theory was going on to make history in modern psychology.
Although we could do several, or many family constellations with a single person, I could see that the participant could visualize what was happening to him, but he did not have the tool to get out of there. Then, according to the teacher Bert Hellinger, the person repeated the word at the moment of the session, and when he returned to his daily life he kept repeating the scheme. I discovered then that a reconfiguration had to be done at the biological level, such as software from our computer, but at the quantum level, within the membrane of the gene -epigenetics- in the cells of our body, because we are only receptors, that is, we are totally taken by the unconscious. My hypothesis is that there had to be another way to change this relativity in the linear time of our ancestors and the relative perception of our destiny; There had to be another way to get to the unconscious more quickly, to reprogram what that person was suffering for, because he was copying something from his family system on an unconscious level that did not belong to his consciousness.
It was at that moment that I began to realize that we really are part of a system, not just a system of cells. The behavior of DNA, proteins, genes, the growth of protein is a system. DNA was so important for 50 years in biology that scientists and researchers spent years only talking about DNA, then it was realized that the growth of the protein had a lot to do with all the influences of the external environment, being in this way as epigenetics grew.
Continuing with these investigations, the idea arises that this hypothesis is supported by the principle of engineering, where the engineer has to design, create, and put into practice a system that allows the progress and evolution he is seeking in the human being, either in the part of a simple piece or where several parts are configured in a larger whole; this is how we talk about mechanical, electronic and electrical engineering. Engineering comes from the word to invent, engineers are inventors, ingenuity comes from the creativity of the human being; If we search the encyclopedia for what engineering means, we will find: "It is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, and other things, including, bridges, roads, vehicles, buildings." This discipline can be specialized, because it can take different applied areas, such as mathematics, physics, biology, and many other branches of knowledge.
So it happens that I see the synchronicity between engineering and how it is connected to science, that science is the fundamental root of what I was observing through the family constellations, confirming what was said by Dr. Bruce Lipton, when expresses that our behavior is only the result of 95% of programs stored in the unconscious and that only 5% is conscious. All of these programs, where each of these statements, or behaviors, have been learned from our parents and ancestors, can be cleverly designed and configured differently.
If everything in the universe is a science, if what is above is below, if what we are perceiving is not real -because it is a problem of perception, when we copy bad behavior from our parents-, and if DNA can be modified , it means that there must be engineering to create a new and different, progressive system that changes that behavior that is blocking or making the human being suffer, allowing depression, problems with children, communication, scarcity,lack of prosperity and abundance, physical problems, chronic disease among others; there must be a program or programs of our parents which we are following loyally for the love of the family system, as clearly detailed by the teacher Bert Hellinger in his book The Orders of Love, explaining the Law of Belonging: All we have the right to BELONG to a family system; and The Law of Order, which is based on the fact that everything in the family system has an order and, as in any system, each of the pieces is going to do everything possible and impossible to maintain that order at any cost.
During my moments of meditation, after having more than three thousand hours of private consultations, statistically observing the changes in the behavior of each of my clients, I began to develop a very simple and simple program, which I called “Systemic Energy for the soul”, (in English SES, Systemic Energy of the Soul), based on epigenetics, science created by Dr. Bruce Lipton. I started applying it to my patients, observing changes in 21 days, in 30 days, and in 2 or 3 months; depending on whether he carried out his daily programming exercises that I had indicated, (repetition is the key) that he had learned and recorded on his cell phone, or that he had simply written on paper, and he had committed himself to doing it every day to get out of that problem that It was affecting him so much.
It was as well as applying it to my own life and that of my client, I realized that with the power of each of the healing thoughts or phrases that we send to our unconscious (theta wave state of the brain) -power that we enjoy and we have the right of conscience all human beings-, we could achieve a significant change to the conscious, that is, we were stopping a suffering behavior out of loyalty to the family system, being able now to be loyal to ourselves, to our being, and commit ourselves to be happy, so that nothing and nobody has the power to take away our peace. Being peaceful is the mental and emotional state that every human being has the natural right to live, since we are spiritual beings that come from the PACIFIC UNIT, and it is our natural way of living, IT IS NOT A LUXURY, IT IS A RIGHT PER SE.
The most important thing that the person is going to look for in a psychological consultation is a solution that leads to PEACE.
They can come with divorce problems, death of loved ones, children with physical and mental illnesses, chronic depression from birth, autism, attention syndrome, compulsion disease, etc. From all these mental illnesses or blocks, I began to observe a metamorphosis in each one of my patients, so I called it SES (Systemic Engineering for the Soul); I called it engineering because I realized that genius is not only from engineers, we all have genius, the capacity for creation, the capacity that each one has to create their own words or healing phrases, to heal themselves; the capacity that we all have to self-hypnotize ourselves, the capacity that we all have to learn to meditate, the capacity that we all have to self-relax. I only gave the guideline or the idea of the phrase and each one followed according to their culture and language. The way of self-healing is unique and unrepeatable. That is, engineering, or ingenuity, is from all over the world, not just from people who had the opportunity to study engineering.
Although we could do several, or many family constellations with a single person, I could see that the participant could visualize what was happening to him, but he did not have the tool to get out of there. Then, according to the teacher Bert Hellinger, the person repeated the word at the moment of the session, and when he returned to his daily life he kept repeating the scheme. I discovered then that a reconfiguration had to be done at the biological level, such as software from our computer, but at the quantum level, within the membrane of the gene -epigenetics- in the cells of our body, because we are only receptors, that is, we are totally taken by the unconscious. My hypothesis is that there had to be another way to change this relativity in the linear time of our ancestors and the relative perception of our destiny; There had to be another way to get to the unconscious more quickly, to reprogram what that person was suffering for, because he was copying something from his family system on an unconscious level that did not belong to his consciousness.
It was at that moment that I began to realize that we really are part of a system, not just a system of cells. The behavior of DNA, proteins, genes, the growth of protein is a system. DNA was so important for 50 years in biology that scientists and researchers spent years only talking about DNA, then it was realized that the growth of the protein had a lot to do with all the influences of the external environment, being in this way as epigenetics grew.
Continuing with these investigations, the idea arises that this hypothesis is supported by the principle of engineering, where the engineer has to design, create, and put into practice a system that allows the progress and evolution he is seeking in the human being, either in the part of a simple piece or where several parts are configured in a larger whole; this is how we talk about mechanical, electronic and electrical engineering. Engineering comes from the word to invent, engineers are inventors, ingenuity comes from the creativity of the human being; If we search the encyclopedia for what engineering means, we will find: "It is the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, and other things, including, bridges, roads, vehicles, buildings." This discipline can be specialized, because it can take different applied areas, such as mathematics, physics, biology, and many other branches of knowledge.
So it happens that I see the synchronicity between engineering and how it is connected to science, that science is the fundamental root of what I was observing through the family constellations, confirming what was said by Dr. Bruce Lipton, when expresses that our behavior is only the result of 95% of programs stored in the unconscious and that only 5% is conscious. All of these programs, where each of these statements, or behaviors, have been learned from our parents and ancestors, can be cleverly designed and configured differently.
If everything in the universe is a science, if what is above is below, if what we are perceiving is not real -because it is a problem of perception, when we copy bad behavior from our parents-, and if DNA can be modified , it means that there must be engineering to create a new and different, progressive system that changes that behavior that is blocking or making the human being suffer, allowing depression, problems with children, communication, scarcity,lack of prosperity and abundance, physical problems, chronic disease among others; there must be a program or programs of our parents which we are following loyally for the love of the family system, as clearly detailed by the teacher Bert Hellinger in his book The Orders of Love, explaining the Law of Belonging: All we have the right to BELONG to a family system; and The Law of Order, which is based on the fact that everything in the family system has an order and, as in any system, each of the pieces is going to do everything possible and impossible to maintain that order at any cost.
During my moments of meditation, after having more than three thousand hours of private consultations, statistically observing the changes in the behavior of each of my clients, I began to develop a very simple and simple program, which I called “Systemic Energy for the soul”, (in English SES, Systemic Energy of the Soul), based on epigenetics, science created by Dr. Bruce Lipton. I started applying it to my patients, observing changes in 21 days, in 30 days, and in 2 or 3 months; depending on whether he carried out his daily programming exercises that I had indicated, (repetition is the key) that he had learned and recorded on his cell phone, or that he had simply written on paper, and he had committed himself to doing it every day to get out of that problem that It was affecting him so much.
It was as well as applying it to my own life and that of my client, I realized that with the power of each of the healing thoughts or phrases that we send to our unconscious (theta wave state of the brain) -power that we enjoy and we have the right of conscience all human beings-, we could achieve a significant change to the conscious, that is, we were stopping a suffering behavior out of loyalty to the family system, being able now to be loyal to ourselves, to our being, and commit ourselves to be happy, so that nothing and nobody has the power to take away our peace. Being peaceful is the mental and emotional state that every human being has the natural right to live, since we are spiritual beings that come from the PACIFIC UNIT, and it is our natural way of living, IT IS NOT A LUXURY, IT IS A RIGHT PER SE.
The most important thing that the person is going to look for in a psychological consultation is a solution that leads to PEACE.
They can come with divorce problems, death of loved ones, children with physical and mental illnesses, chronic depression from birth, autism, attention syndrome, compulsion disease, etc. From all these mental illnesses or blocks, I began to observe a metamorphosis in each one of my patients, so I called it SES (Systemic Engineering for the Soul); I called it engineering because I realized that genius is not only from engineers, we all have genius, the capacity for creation, the capacity that each one has to create their own words or healing phrases, to heal themselves; the capacity that we all have to self-hypnotize ourselves, the capacity that we all have to learn to meditate, the capacity that we all have to self-relax. I only gave the guideline or the idea of the phrase and each one followed according to their culture and language. The way of self-healing is unique and unrepeatable. That is, engineering, or ingenuity, is from all over the world, not just from people who had the opportunity to study engineering.
The use of this system that I developed throughout my career allowed me to see impressive changes, such as deprogramming our ego until finding power, that was the basis: deprogramming the ego, that black box where is all the information that does not work for us and what is 95% of our behavior that makes us suffer; so we already had a tool REACHABLE BY EVERYONE. The Tool is free and adapted to each human being that inhabits this planet, without distinction of culture, religion, language, sex, age, or country. So simple and easy that children understand it in a minute.
Why deprogram or reconfigure our minds?
To find power in ourselves. In other words, to avoid being victims, to STOP holding our family, cultural, philosophical and educational systems responsible. Stop saying: I am wrong because of my parents, because of the government, because of my partner, religion, school, and start saying: nothing and no one out there has power today, or in the past, or it will have some effect on me.
When this hypothesis arises, that of building deprogramming through powerful phrases, using some techniques from our master Bert Hellinger, I realized that the healers are ourselves, there is no one out there to heal you, there is no therapist, not a psychotherapist, not a coach, not a teacher; the only person who has the ability to heal is yourself.
Why deprogram or reconfigure our minds?
To find power in ourselves. In other words, to avoid being victims, to STOP holding our family, cultural, philosophical and educational systems responsible. Stop saying: I am wrong because of my parents, because of the government, because of my partner, religion, school, and start saying: nothing and no one out there has power today, or in the past, or it will have some effect on me.
When this hypothesis arises, that of building deprogramming through powerful phrases, using some techniques from our master Bert Hellinger, I realized that the healers are ourselves, there is no one out there to heal you, there is no therapist, not a psychotherapist, not a coach, not a teacher; the only person who has the ability to heal is yourself.
If we go to the basic concept of the word ingenuity, we find that it is the ability of a person to imagine or invent things, combining intelligence and ability with the knowledge they possess, and the means available to them. This definition, which comes from the Latin "ingenium", has somehow come to give us a gift, and allows us to realize that we are creators, that we are - as so many spiritual philosophies mention - the image and likeness of the Creator of the Source.
God wants to tell us YOU ARE GOD.
We are ENGINEERS and CREATORS, as is the infinite universe of possibilities. As it is above it is below, as it is outside it is inside.
EVERYTHING IS A PROJECTION, a mirror of what you are creating with your new and reconfigured perception. ( Hologram Theory).
It means that ingenuity and engineering are within us; This concept is associated with intuition, creativity, and talent; the power to invent quickly or solve something easily.
I realize that each one of the people that I have seen in my life, in the private sessions, has a particular and incredible talent, very different from the rest of humanity. In other words, the ingenuity of each human being is unique and unrepeatable, as is DNA. The information that Dr. Bruce Lipton reveals was asleep, it had to be awakened and verified by science.
Reconfirming that we are unique and unrepeatable, we do not have the capacity to be two equal people, even if we are twins from the same womb; each of us has a unique and unrepeatable ingenuity. That is, each of us has the ability to learn systemic engineering for the soul.
That was when I began to realize how, when observing and seeing that each of the words, observations, insights of my clients, when they wrote down on a paper, or recorded on their mobile phone, those words and phrases were the ones that were worth , not mine. I was just the template. And I said to each of them: "use your words." They said to me: "I am going to read what I just wrote, what you just told me." And I realize that it is the same, or very similar to what I said, but his perception had copied it differently, that it had the energetic resonance so that his cells and his DNA - epigenetics - could read, interpret and change it; and begin to see it as a "psycho neuro linguistic" programming process so that this person could change his or her life program, and finally free himself or herself from so much suffering and unhappiness within him.
The name of Systemic Engineering for the Soul Is a way of honoring my ancestors, of honoring my father, who is an engineer and my mother, she was a wonderful natural healer with a infinite wisdom inside ; to my family, where there are many engineers, and to my Grandparents, with a UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, a soul or spirit of pure love.
This is how I make a FUSION of my 50 and 50. I give myself permission to give myself this simple, simple tool, and share it with EVERYONE.
You just had to fuse the two DNAs, your father's and your mother's; my mother who had given me all the LOVE, all the sweetness, and the wisdom that can only unfold from the Feminine Energy. My father who had given me all the strength and energy of a successful engineer; There I realized that the technique I had to create was Systemic Engineering for the Soul.
Why systemic? Because we come from a system called family and we come biologically from millions of systems, because we are built by trillions of cells that are systematically ordered, perfectly in harmony, moving at every moment of our lives. At that moment in which I perceive in my client that his words are ingenious and perfect because they vibrate in their frequency, there I began to realize that this technique was going to have a truly profound efficacy and efficiency in human beings.
I started applying it more than 15 years ago, seeing results with great satisfaction, in many clients, in many friends, all very grateful.
To each of them, I dedicate this technique that I have created.
EVERYTHING IS A PROJECTION, a mirror of what you are creating with your new and reconfigured perception. ( Hologram Theory).
It means that ingenuity and engineering are within us; This concept is associated with intuition, creativity, and talent; the power to invent quickly or solve something easily.
I realize that each one of the people that I have seen in my life, in the private sessions, has a particular and incredible talent, very different from the rest of humanity. In other words, the ingenuity of each human being is unique and unrepeatable, as is DNA. The information that Dr. Bruce Lipton reveals was asleep, it had to be awakened and verified by science.
Reconfirming that we are unique and unrepeatable, we do not have the capacity to be two equal people, even if we are twins from the same womb; each of us has a unique and unrepeatable ingenuity. That is, each of us has the ability to learn systemic engineering for the soul.
That was when I began to realize how, when observing and seeing that each of the words, observations, insights of my clients, when they wrote down on a paper, or recorded on their mobile phone, those words and phrases were the ones that were worth , not mine. I was just the template. And I said to each of them: "use your words." They said to me: "I am going to read what I just wrote, what you just told me." And I realize that it is the same, or very similar to what I said, but his perception had copied it differently, that it had the energetic resonance so that his cells and his DNA - epigenetics - could read, interpret and change it; and begin to see it as a "psycho neuro linguistic" programming process so that this person could change his or her life program, and finally free himself or herself from so much suffering and unhappiness within him.
The name of Systemic Engineering for the Soul Is a way of honoring my ancestors, of honoring my father, who is an engineer and my mother, she was a wonderful natural healer with a infinite wisdom inside ; to my family, where there are many engineers, and to my Grandparents, with a UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, a soul or spirit of pure love.
This is how I make a FUSION of my 50 and 50. I give myself permission to give myself this simple, simple tool, and share it with EVERYONE.
You just had to fuse the two DNAs, your father's and your mother's; my mother who had given me all the LOVE, all the sweetness, and the wisdom that can only unfold from the Feminine Energy. My father who had given me all the strength and energy of a successful engineer; There I realized that the technique I had to create was Systemic Engineering for the Soul.
Why systemic? Because we come from a system called family and we come biologically from millions of systems, because we are built by trillions of cells that are systematically ordered, perfectly in harmony, moving at every moment of our lives. At that moment in which I perceive in my client that his words are ingenious and perfect because they vibrate in their frequency, there I began to realize that this technique was going to have a truly profound efficacy and efficiency in human beings.
I started applying it more than 15 years ago, seeing results with great satisfaction, in many clients, in many friends, all very grateful.
To each of them, I dedicate this technique that I have created.
You are about to embark on a soul journey.
Are you ready?
Some of the Benefits of Family Constellations!
This powerful soul work assists in creating positive shifts in:
This powerful soul work assists in creating positive shifts in:
"A miracle is a shift in perception" says The Course of Miracles.
That is exactly what begins to happen after Family Constellations. However, that is only the beginning.
Once you are 100% committed to taking the journey, something extraordinary happens: you are led to people and tools that will accompany you for a while and point the way. However, the journey is yours to take and only you can do it.
Family Constellations can be explored in groups or individually. In groups, a trained facilitator selects a person from the group who wishes to work on something they want to shift in their life. After briefly mentioning the issue and answering some strategic questions, (without getting into the "story"), the client chooses members of the group (whom s/he does not know) to represent different family members, or the issue itself, or related components, in order to uncover the hidden dynamics behind it.
Group members, simply by intention, connect to what is known as "The Knowing Field", the family soul, and are able to perceive sensations in their bodies or feelings about other members that help bring to light what is not known consciously. Once the dynamics are seen, healing soul sentences are used to restore inclusive love in the family and experience it, and everything that happened, as a source of strength.
Family Constellations are also done privately. Just you and the facilitator will explore the hidden dynamics behind what you would like to shift in your life. Through the use of footsteps or figurines, you will be able to see and experience your issue in a completely different way, which creates a powerful shift in your inner image.
Once your inner image shifts in a profound way, guess what happens to your outer reality?
This work does not work in the mind level, but way beyond, in your physical body and spitual.
That is exactly what begins to happen after Family Constellations. However, that is only the beginning.
Once you are 100% committed to taking the journey, something extraordinary happens: you are led to people and tools that will accompany you for a while and point the way. However, the journey is yours to take and only you can do it.
Family Constellations can be explored in groups or individually. In groups, a trained facilitator selects a person from the group who wishes to work on something they want to shift in their life. After briefly mentioning the issue and answering some strategic questions, (without getting into the "story"), the client chooses members of the group (whom s/he does not know) to represent different family members, or the issue itself, or related components, in order to uncover the hidden dynamics behind it.
Group members, simply by intention, connect to what is known as "The Knowing Field", the family soul, and are able to perceive sensations in their bodies or feelings about other members that help bring to light what is not known consciously. Once the dynamics are seen, healing soul sentences are used to restore inclusive love in the family and experience it, and everything that happened, as a source of strength.
Family Constellations are also done privately. Just you and the facilitator will explore the hidden dynamics behind what you would like to shift in your life. Through the use of footsteps or figurines, you will be able to see and experience your issue in a completely different way, which creates a powerful shift in your inner image.
Once your inner image shifts in a profound way, guess what happens to your outer reality?
This work does not work in the mind level, but way beyond, in your physical body and spitual.